BSAC Welcomes Mark Corley to Blue Wave

Meet Mark Corley, the newest BSAC Blue Wave Swim Coach! Originally from the Midwest, he brings 30 years of prior coaching experience to our team. In 2008, he moved to Jacksonville and later learned about BSAC through his friendship with Coach Rich Rogers and through the many meets he attended here with other teams.

“Blue Wave was the first draw of course, but then I learned about the overall mission of BSAC extending beyond just the swim team into the community,” said Mark. “That was really intriguing at this point in my career, after 30 some years of coaching, that I can do more than just coach athletes.”

Mark learned how to swim by joining a local swim team at the age of eight. This is where he discovered his love for the water and swimming. Later, Mark would go on to brave the cold weather and swim for his college in Northern Iowa. As a fifth year student, Mark fell into the start of his coaching career by using his swimming experience to get a temporary part-time job.

“I had no intention of that becoming my career, but I fell in love with it and the impact I can have on kids. Now here I am 35 years later and I am still coaching swim teams and loving it,” said Mark. “When I’m on the pool deck coaching, I’m not working.”

In his free time, Mark enjoys going to the beach with his wife as well as participating in triathlons. Mark has successfully finished over 125 triathlons and 8 iron man competitions with plans to participate in more! In the future, he hopes to add triathlon training programs at BSAC for both children and adults.

Visit Mark on the BSAC pool deck this summer! For more information: