BSAC In Full Upgrade Mode for Our Community!

BSAC has been extremely busy over the past couple of years upgrading our leadership team, updating and renovating our main campus and adding more and more features to drive our mission. Our goal is to continue to build on the positive momentum of the past several months and do even more in the weeks and months ahead.

We wanted to recap some of the new and exciting things we’ve done, things we’re currently working on and what we’re planning for in the future. Again, we want to thank all our families for their constant support and hope that these changes, improvements and investments are creating a better BSAC for everyone.


Current Completed Projects:

Added Ken Hagan Learn to Swim Pool

Replaced all roofs

Added fencing around pond

Added tennis walkways

Resurfaced tennis courts

Added AC’s to pool area locker rooms/classrooms

Replaced doors in TRIDENT building

Put in new flooring in lobby and main building hallways

Renovated classroom for partnership with Livingstone Academy

Renovated VPK bathroom

New AC’s in TRIDENT classrooms

Renovated TRIDENT classroom

New LED lights in parking lot & pool areas

Repaved parking lot


Projects Currently Being Worked On:

Renovating 50-meter competition pool

Renovating Classrooms by locker rooms

Replacing men’s gym locker room partitions

Adding new bathroom partitions in main building


Future Projects In The Planning Stages:

Pool Area Locker Rooms Renovation

Indoor Gym Locker Rooms Renovation

Brand New Playground

Splash Pad

Painting of Facility

Tennis Restrooms


Key Additions to BSAC’s Leadership Team Over the Past Two Years!

Brandi Hooper – Director of BSAC After-School Experience

Morgan Szymanski – Director of After-School/Summer Camp Curriculum

Carli Walko – Director of Marketing

Brenda Benning – Membership Services Director

Mark Corley – Blue Wave Associate Head Coach

Miranda Briggs – Director of Learn to Swim Programming

Jeff Clark – Director of Maintenance & Facilities