A Social Circle for Societal Change: The Ripple Effects of High 5
If you’ve ever skipped stones across a clear body of water you know that each “skip” creates a small ripple in its wake. Same holds true for a drop of rain or the heaviest rock you’ve ever sent for a plunge.
The effects circling outward from a single touch point. Here at High 5, we see it as a metaphor of sorts for what we do every day as an organization.
From our headquarters in Brandon, we continue to do the little and not-so-little things that set perpetual and positive societal change in motion.For starters, the positive impressions we bring to swimming lessons, special needs education, sports and recreation, and Olympic-style,Blue Wave, competitive swimming and diving training go far beyond the borders of our facility, extending throughout the region and improving lives over years, even decades!
And yet, what we do is only made possible by the contributions of our business partners, local elected representatives, board members, and neighborhood supporters. So just last month,we made a point of thanking all of them, holding a special event of appreciation in their honor. No requests for additional funds or commitments—only recognition for what they do every day—as individuals.
A Membership Model for the Greater Good
The launch of the new High 5 membership model has triggered certain waves of its own. No doubt there’s been a bit of learning curve as check-in procedures and rates have changed. Still, it’s important to note that, especially in terms of cost, that a portion of every dollar spent here goes a lot further than you might think.
Money raised through user fees and rentals not only cover internal expenses for things like salaries, equipment upgrades, and facility maintenance; they also fund our outreach efforts in the community. In time, those efforts translate into fewer youth drownings, higher employment figures for special needs workers, and a stronger High 5 social circle overall.
New Wins Along the Way (and Around the Corner)
The long-awaited debut of pickleball here at High 5 was a big one. So too was the complete resurfacing of all our hard courts for tennis. Most importantly for parents, especially now that the school year is in its last weeks, is the return of High 5 Summer Camp. Members, of course, receive special rates on fees for this year’s “Cruise Ship” themed adventure. Open registration is now underway.
Through the summer months (and really, most months of the year here in Florida), High 5 remains your first and best choice for learning to swim—for the win—no matter what your age! Even if you swim a little, you can always learn to swim better and get more out of the exercise itself (routinely cited as one of the best all-around workouts for both cardiovascular and strength conditioning).
However, if swimming isn’t your speed, perhaps you’ll be up for a game of tactical laser tag. Coming soon, look for the on-campus premier of Mission 5 Laser Tag and reserve your time slot for both open and team play!
Here, now, WOW! The beauty of High 5 membership. Special rates now available for junior, individual, and family memberships. Plus, get $5 off every laser tag session, and special discounts on every online purchase of High 5 merchandise. For details, call 813-689-0908.